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Welcome October!

Happy October Reidenbaugh Families!

After a last taste of summer last week with the high temperatures hitting the 90s, I know some of us are ready for the Fall. Well, it seems we will have another quick heat wave before the crisp Fall weather comes.Thanks to all those changes brought in for Kids for A Cause. It certainly was a crazy hair day at Reidenbaugh! On the Back Pack of Hope, we heard from Richard. This is what he told us:

"I am back from Vidor. It was an incredible experience and opportunity down in Vidor. We had an incredible response from the district. WGAL actually ended up doing a couple of stories on our back pack campaign. While I did not get an exact count on the number of packs it was well over 400 and we had enough supplies and back packs to fill a 12ft trailer as well as my SUV. Vidor told us that our donations were by far the largest contribution they had received. I have a few photos from our trip down. I also have video clip I recorded from WGAL's story. Based on estimates by the school administrator at Vidor we had over $12,000 in school supplies. It was truly an incredible experience."

Click here for the video clip from WGAL.

Doesn't it feel good to know you were a part of this?! Thank you! Thank you so much!!

PTO MEETING: Our first PTO meeting is this Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00pm at Reidenbaugh. You can enter through the font doors and meet us at room 104. We are all nice people and we don't bite. We would love to meet you, answer your questions and hear your comments! Come learn what we have planned for our kids this year!

iPAD NIGHT FOR PARENTS: For the students in 3rd grade, Manheim Township is holding a iPad Info Night for the Parents on October 4 and October 11 from 6:30 to 7:30pm at the MTSD High School Convocation Hall. You will understand how the iPads are being used in class.

EARLY DISMISSAL: On Thursday, October 5, we will have early dismissal. That means school day will end at 1:40pm.

MADAGASCAR: You received a flyer this past week on the opportunity for students to refresh their memory about the Madagascar movie story. We will be showing the movie, Madagascar, at the Reidenbaugh Auditorium on Thursday, October 5. It's an early dismissal day, so if you child is staying for the movie you must make arrangements for a car transportation for pick up at 3:40pm. In order for us to know your child is staying, please send in the bottom part of the flyer with the relevant information by Tuesday, October 3.

ODYSSEY OF THE MIND: Here is another opportunity for our students to get involved in their school and to learn and grow. This program, Odyssey of the Mind, is an international educational program that brings students together to solve problem using their creativity. To learn about what OM is, the different types of problems, how the kids work together to accomplish their goals and the parts of competition, Manheim Township has organized a meeting on Thursday, October 5 at the Landis Run Cafeteria. You can get more information on this flyer or at

NO SCHOOL: On Friday, October 6 (Teacher in-service) and Monday, October 9, (Columbus Day) there will be no school. Reidenbaugh will resume its normal hours on Tuesday, October 10.

ADOPT A CLASSROOM: As we were contribution to Back Pack of Hope, Mrs. Kurtz was working on a way to give back to the community hurt by Hurricane Harvey. We are now expanding this initiative to the whole Reidenbaugh school. In a letter explaining how she came across "Adopt A Classroom" program, Mrs. Kurtz includes photos of the Sheldon Early Childhood Academy, in Houston and the classroom her own classroom here has adopted. You can read Mrs. Kurtz's letter here. Let's join in with Mrs. Kurtz's kindergarten class and help this kindergarten class in Houston. Please send in your donations to Mrs. Kurtz's adopted classroom.

Mrs. Kurtz, Thank you for your initiative! It's wonderful way to show our kids how giving can be much greater than receiving. Specially in a situation like this. Thank you for involving the kids in this act of love. Please keep us updated with the progress of this program. ~ The PTO

RACE FOR EDUCATION: We are less than two (2) weeks away from the big day!! Reidenbaugh kids are counting on you to help them raise funds by asking sponsors to contribute a tax deductible donation to our PTO. Please go to to sponsor your student. Think of relative, friends, neighbors, business associates, coaches and anyone else you know who would want to invest in your child's education and forward them the link for sponsors.

STUDENT DIRECTORY: Have you signed up for our Reidenbaugh Student Directory yet? Our goal is to get this directory to you before the end of October. If you haven’t signed up for the directory, do it now! Registrations will close on Friday, October 13. To register in the student directory just go to our website and click on the registration button. To make it easier, just click here for the link.

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS: Great news: our kids are doing library book exchange and they are loving it! That, however, generates a pile of books every week that need to be put back in the shelves for the next kid to take home. Our dear Mrs. Winters needs a volunteer's help to put all those library books back. If you can come in for one hour a week to help keep the library organized for our kiddos, please email Mrs. Winters at

BOX TOPS: We are have started our Box Tops collection! Please send in your Box Tops sheet with your child’s grade, teacher’s name. If you still have more clipped Box Tops, please place them in a Ziploc baggies of no more than 50 per bag. Label each bag with you child's grade and teacher's name and amount of Box Tops. Remember to check expiration dates. We cannot receive credit for expired Box Tops. please feel free to contact Christine Mathers at 519-8861 or at

FAMILY FUN NIGHT: Fall family fun night is coming! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Nov 8 from 6:00 to 8:00pm at Overlook Skating Rink. Details soon to sent home with your little ones!



10/12 Race for Education

10/16 Parent Meeting for School Play

10/26 Picture Re-take

10/27 Fall Social

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.

Closed toed shoes are really helpful for playground and recess time. It's also important that sneakers are won on Gym days.

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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