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Red Ribbon Week and more

Hello Hopper Families!

Are you ready for a fun week? You better be!! Lots happening this week and we are here to remind you of what's going on so you don't miss a beat. By the way, United Nations Day is this Wednesday, October 24 (same day as Box Tops collection). The organization oversees issues like human rights, international security, political freedoms and democracy with an end goal of achieving of world peace. So peace to us all!! Oh, and this Friday we have our Fall Social!! YEAH!!

This week, Reidenbaugh is celebrating Red Ribbon Week. It's a week where we take time to teach the students about healthy choices and drug prevention in our schools and communities. Children will learn to say "No" to drugs. Read below to know how you can help celebrate this week with your kiddos.

SPIRITWEAR: Don't for get to order your Reidenbaugh/Manheim Township Spiritwear!!! We have added the option to personalize the drawstring bag on-line. It will be embroidered in white block letters on the back of the bag and an additional $5. If you have already placed an order and would like to add personalization to it, I will be sending home a order form this week with an option to add it. Any questions contact Kim Topf We have also extended the sale through Monday October 23rd. You can place your orders by clicking here.

RED RIBBON WEEK: As mentioned above, it's Red Ribbon Week from Monday, October 23 to Friday, October 27. We encourage all Reidenbaugh families and staff to help celebrate this week by taking time to talk to your children about the dangerous affects of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and other harmful substances. Here is the week schedule to support our Red Ribbon Week:

Monday, Oct 23 - Use your head -- wear red!!

Tuesday, Oct 24 - My future is too bright for drugs!! Wear neon/bright clothing!!

Wednesday, Oct 25 - Team up against drugs!! Wear favorite sports team clothes!!

Thursday, Oct 26 - Real heroes don't do drugs!! Wear a superhero shirt/hat/socks/cape!!

Friday, Oct 27 - The Hoppers are drug free!! Wear your Reidenbaugh/MT spirit wear!!

RACE FOR EDUCATION: If you didn't donate or a family member didn't sponsor your child before last Thursday, no worries. The website will be open until the end of the month!! Yes, make sure you send a follow up email to the sponsors and remind them that they still have time to support your child's education!!

ADOPT A CLASSROOM: Have you sent in your contribution to "Adopt a Classroom" program yet? As you know, we have expanded this initiative to the whole Reidenbaugh school. In case you haven't done it yet, please read Mrs. Kurtz's letter here. Let's join in with Mrs. Kurtz's kindergarten class and help this kindergarten class in Houston. Please send in your donations to Mrs. Kurtz's adopted classroom.

FAMILY FUN NIGHT: Let's go roller skating at Overlook!! We are so excited! In case you misplaced your flyer, click here for a copy. Make sure you send your check made out to Reidenbaugh PTO.

BOX TOPS: We are coming up on the deadline to submit Box Tops! The collection deadline is Tuesday, October 24. Please send in your Box Tops sheet with your child’s teacher’s name in the space provided at the top of the sheet. If you still have more clipped Box Tops, please place them in a Ziploc bag of no more than 50 per bag. Label each bag with you teacher's name and grade and amount of Box Tops. Remember to check expiration dates. We cannot receive credit for expired Box Tops. You can send in sheets that are not full so please do not hold on to these just in case some have November 1, 2017 expiration dates. If you have and questions, you can contact Christine Mathers at 519-8861 or at

PICTURE RE-TAKE: If your child was absent on picture day or if there was any problem with the first picture, this is your chance. Make sure your kid has his/her brightest smile on Thursday, October 26 for Picture re-take day:-D

FALL SOCIAL: This Friday, October 27 from 6 to 7:30pm, we are having our fabulous Fall Social!! Bring the whole family and come celebrate Fall with Reidenbaugh! We have food, treats, games, inflatable, face painting and more... Come in costume. We have our traditional costume parade at 6:30pm. Remember, no weapons (of any kind) allowed!! If you have any questions, please contact Danielle Vitti at

PLAY AUDITIONS: If you participated in the Parents Meeting for School Play you are aware that this Saturday, October 28 from 9:30am to 3:00pm is Auditions for our play. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Filkenstein at



11/06-10 Thanksgiving Food Drive

11/07 PTO Meeting

11/08 Early Dismissal

11/10 Kids for a Cause

11/15 Holiday Shop - Preview Day

11/16-17 Holiday Shop - Shopping Day

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at

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