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Food Drive

Hello Reidenbaugh families!

Fun, fun, fun week! All grades had a wonderful last week of October. For the families who registered in the directory, it's ready. If you didn't receive yours last week you will get it this week. Don't forget we have our Reidenbaugh Food Drive starting this Monday. As we enter the last couple months of the year, Reidenbaugh and the PTO have many things coming your way. Shall we take a look?

BOO TO THE FLU: Flu season has started and we have here tips to keep your family healthy and a guideline for bringing your child to school after a cold or a flu. Click here for the flyer. Let's stay healthy and say Boo to the Flu this Fall.

LIBRARY: People, please send in those plastic bags! These bags are given to the students to protect our library books when they carry it home. We need an brand of the Slider Jumbo Storage Bags 2.5 Gallon. Just send a box to school with your child or drop it off at the office. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Winters at Thank you!!

FOOD DRIVE: It starts this week! Please don't forget to send your item in to the school between November 5 and 9. Each classroom will make a basket to donate to families in the community. We are in need of turkey vouchers as well. If you have more than one or not planning on using the one you got, we would love to add it to our baskets! If you have any questions, send an email to

PTO MEETING: Our monthly PTO Meeting is this Tuesday, November 6 at 7:00pm. There's lots to talk about this month, Holiday Shop, Teacher Luncheon, Reidenbaugh Play, Winter Clubs, Yearbook cover, etc... Come share ideas with us, talk to teachers, ask questions, talk school and have some laughs. It doesn't take more than 1 hour and we would truly love to hear from you!!

EARLY DISMISSAL: This Wednesday, November 7, Reidenbaugh has early dismissal. School will be dismissed at 1:40pm. Please plan accordingly.

KIDS FOR A CAUSE: On Friday, November 9, we have Kids for a Cause! The money that we raise will go for our Reidenbaugh Food Drive this month. All students who bring loose change for Kids for Cause on Friday can participate in Crazy Hair Day!

POINSETTIA SALE: With the holidays getting closer, we are ready for those Poinsettia orders! The flyer will be going home this week. You can place your order for and check in an envelop market Poinsettia Sale and send it to school with your child. Orders are due by Wednesday, November 14. Please make checks payable to Reidenbaugh Elementary PTO. Pick-up is Wednesday, December 18, in the cafeteria. Remember, we will deliver the pay it forward to local nursing homes in your behalf. Please email Amy del Castillo at if you have any questions.

Preview day: November 14th

Shopping days: November 15th & 16th

Any questions, reach out to Adelina Panosso, Jen Boyer & Amy del Castillo through email at

EXTRAORDINARY GIVE: It's a whole day of giving! There are many local organizations supported on this one day. Our own Manheim Township Educational Foundation is one of the beneficiaries. The MTEF funds new and innovative programs such as iPads, STEAM Labs, Voice for the Voiceless and many more throughout Manheim Township Schools. The Extraordinary Give day is November 16. You can donate on this link.

MINI-THON: If you are interested to see what you can help with, we are looking for a helping hand here and there. Please contact Debbie Keys at or Rebecca Stanion at

NOVEMBER LUNCH MENU: Please click here.


11/14 - Holiday Shop Preview

11/14 - Family Movie Night

11/15-16 - Holiday Shop - Shopping days

11/16 - Extraordinary Give day

11/19 - No School - Parent-Teacher conference

11/20 - No School - Parent-Teacher conference

11/21-23 No School - Thanksgiving Break

12/04 - PTO Meeting

12/21 - Early Dismissal

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at

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