Winter Appreciation Luncheon
Greeting RES Families,
Let's do a quick recap of this past week: PTO Meeting had a very good turn out. It is always nice to see new faces and help you get familiarized with what we do. If you attended the Winter Wonderland Book Fair at Reidenbaugh this past Tuesday, you probably had a great time like everyone else!! The kids definitely had a blast, and the parents were more relaxed knowing that their children wouldn't get lost in a bookstore. And don't get me started on parking! So much easier! The hot chocolate was heavily discounted so thank you to all who donated the changes. A gigantic thank you goes to Kim Toft who pulled it off without too much notice and did a superb job, and also to all who volunteered. It takes a village to do these events and we can't even consider them without our volunteers stepping up!
Thank you to all the families who attended our Family Movie Night this past Friday, benefiting the Reidenbaugh Mini-THON. It was a success!! What a great way to wrap up a wonderful December week. By the way, with the holiday classroom parties season, we want to remind you of a couple of things:Please no parking in the “No Parking Zone.”Please have all parties finished by 3PM, as we don’t want to over crowd the office during dismissal.If you are parked in the front in a bus lane please have your vehicle moved by 3PM so buses are able to pull in for dismissal.
This week is your chance to show our wonderful Reidenbaugh teachers and staff how much we appreciate all they do for us, specially for our children! Winter Appreciation Luncheon is on Wednesday. We need gift cards! We need helpers! One event this week, come on, you can do it!! Read on and please sign-up. Thank you!!
WINTER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON: As we get closer to the holidays it is time to show the Reidenbaugh teachers and staff how much we appreciate all they do for us. The Winter Teachers' Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, December 12. Here is the Sign Up for the volunteers contribute with time and/or an item (food and gift card). Feel free to be creative with the gift cards, pick your favorite store or restaurant, let's pamper these awesome professionals a little:-) If you have any questions, please contact Jill Lubin at (717) 517-2811 or
HOPPERVILLE BOOKSTORE: The date for the Hopperville Bookstore changed at the last minute because we had just had our Winter Book Fair. So our bookstore will take place this Wednesday, December 12 from 8:45am to 9:00am. Send your child in with small change or any coupon he/she might have. We have gently used donated books for all elementary school reading level. Books cost start at 0.25 cents.
ACT OF KINDNESS: With the holiday season, there's more news about those who need a helping hand as well as more open hearts willing to donate, give, help or simply put a smile in someone's face. Here is a story that will warm you heart. A terminally ill teenager from Pennsylvania is asking for some holiday cheer for Christmas.Maddox Hyde, 14, is an 8th grade student at DuBois Area Middle School.He has been receiving treatment for neuroblastoma at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. He’s been battling it for eight years. Sadly, he’s been told he only has a few weeks to live.Now, he’s simply asking to receive Christmas cards from around the world.Cards can be sent to the following address:
Maddox Hyde
333 Ohio Street
Reynoldsville, PA 15851
Over the last few days, he’s gotten so many, they’ve started stringing them from the ceiling at his home. Cards from churches, schools, all over the country and even from Mexico.“It makes me feel happy to see how many people actually care,” said Maddox over a FaceTime call on Thursday night.The cards actually started with a friend.“There was talk that he wasn’t gonna make it to Christmas, so let’s flood his box with Christmas cards,” said Kristi Potter, Maddox’s mom. “I believe it was one of my friends who started it, and from there, it’s just grown.”Through the cards, Maddox says he’s learning just how many people do care, and his family taking every opportunity to say, ‘I love you!'” And, finally, Maddox has some advice for other kids facing similar battles.“I stayed strong, I stayed positive,” he said. “Keep a positive mind and have all the family and friends around you to care.” If you don't want to send the card directly, please send it to the PTO and we will mail it for you. Put your envelope inside another envelope or just attach a note to your envelope. Thank you.
POINSETTIA PICKUP: If you ordered your Poinsettia, the pick up date is Tuesday, December 18, at the cafeteria. Make sure you have that on your calendars!
12/18 - Poinsettia Pickup
12/21 - Early Dismissal
12/24-01/01 - No School - Winter Break
01/02 - Classes resume
01/08 - PTO Meeting
01/09 - Hopperville Bookstore
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at