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Week 4!

Hello Hopper Families!

Thank you Heatherann Paul for organizing Bingo Night! A great time was had by all! Looking ahead at RES...….

LIBRARY: We are in need of Slider Jumbo Storage Bags 2.5 Gallon for our Library books! These bags are given to the students to protect our library books when they carry it home. Just send a box or loose bags to school with your child or drop it off at the office.

SPIRIT WEAR: All orders are due by Friday, September 27th. You can always order online at Attached here are the flyers. Please contact Kim Topf at with any questions.

KIDS FOR A CAUSE: Gather your loose change because September 27th will be our 1st Kids for a Cause. The donations will go towards our Color Dash! Kids that donate are able to participate in Crazy Hat Day.

COLOR DASH: Now that you have all pre registered for the walk/run on Friday, October 5th, don't forget to have students try and raise funds from families & friends! This is our main fundraiser for the next 2 years, so it's important that we raise as much money as we can. Donations of any amount may be given via cash or check or Venmo. Please return the donation sheet by Friday, September 27th. I have attached it here. We even have all different sponsor levels for those wanting to give a little more. That info is attached here.

HOPPERVILLE BOOKSTORE: Our first Hopperville of the year will be on Wednesday, October 2nd! What is hopperville? Well its where your child can buy used books for as low as $.25 to $1.00! We have a great selection for all levels of readers. The bookstore will be open from 8:45am-9:00 am. Your child can also earn coupons to shop for books by donating your used books to Hopperville. Students will earn 1 coupon worth $.25 for every 4 books donated! Please contact Kelly Zeigler at with any questions or if you are interested in helping.

If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer, or please email and I can send them over to you.

If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.

Please click here for the September lunch menu.

Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO, and check out our website, We can also be reached via email at


9/27- Kids for a cause collection day

10/1- PTO meeting

10/2- Hopperville

10/3- School Play Auditions


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