November News
Hello Hopper Families!
Happy November! It's time for our Annual Food Drive. A flyer should have come home in your child's folder requesting a specific donation item. In addition to your items, we are also collecting cash, Giant gift cards, and free turkey vouchers (for Stauffers or Giant). Please send in your donations with your student during the week of November 7th-11th. Please contact with any questions.
HOLIDAY SHOP: This will be held from Wednesday November 16th – Friday November 18th. Students are asked to return the flyer sent home from school this week with a list of loved ones they wish to shop for and a budget. A pre-shop/preview event will not be held this year. Assistance is needed to mark shopping bags with student names upon arrival, assist students with selections, organize merchandise, restock items as directed, and prepare students to check out. Please see the signup genius for classroom sign up slots and sign up to support your student’s class! Feel free to reach out to Amanda Smith at if you have questions, concerns, or desire additional information regarding the holiday shop this year.
NO SCHOOL: A long break is coming up! The students have NO SCHOOL Monday, November 21st - Friday, November 25th. Teacher conferences will be held on the 21st & 22nd (please contact your teacher if you need more info). As a special treat, the PTO will be providing a pizza lunch to the teachers on Tuesday, November 22nd, during parent/teacher conferences. If you'd like to help out by donating drinks and/or desserts, please check out the signup genius here:
SAVE THE DATE: Wear your cozy, festive pajamas and shop with us a the Winter Scholastic Book Fair on Thursday, December 1st from 6pm-8pm. More details coming soon!
We need volunteers to present Junior Achievement programs at Reidenbaugh Elementary. For as little as an hour a week, you can make a difference in the lives of young people in your school community. JA programs provide important life skills through hands-on educational activities focusing on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness. Everything you need is provided along with easy-to-follow instructions.
We currently need volunteers in the following classrooms:
Kindergarten- Lynn Longridge, Barbara Kurtz
1st Grade- Carley Ciccarone
2nd Grade- Lizzette Anders
3rd Grade- Nicole Eyster, Marla Bennett
4th Grade- Lina Altenderfer,
Click below to learn more and sign up at the bottom of page 5. Also, you can email me at for more information.
STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now located on the right side of the screen, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. Information is posted in a more timely manner. We can also be reached via email at
LUNCH MENUS: Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:
Please click here for the November lunch menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.
11/1-11/10: Thanksgiving Food Drive
11/16: Holiday Shop Preview
11/17 & 11/18: Holiday Shop
11/21 & 11/22: No school -Parent Conferences
11/21-11/25: Thanksgiving Break
12/1: Book Fair