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Spring Festival

Hello Hopper Families!

Today is the big day! Spring Festival is here! Bring the whole family! There will be plenty to do- carnival games, inflatable activities, mechanical bull, live music, cultural tables and more! This starts at 6pm. Please do not come earlier, as we will be busy preparing. Come hungry- we will have plenty of food trucks plus Caruso's pizza! Cash and Venmo accepted. Give and Get tickets will also be available for purchase. See you in a few hours!

YEARBOOKS have arrived and will be distributed to all who ordered them on the last week of school.

HERSHEYPARK TICKETS have also arrived. If you ordered, they will be sent home in an envelope with your child.

Summer vacation is just a few short weeks away! Please keep an eye on your child's folder for important end of year info. Our principal sent an email this past week with many important dates, so please check your inbox for that. Looking for a great camp for your kids? Then check out Camp Invention, held right here at RES, hosted by our very own Mr. Carney! Dates are June 12-15th. Please check the flyer for more info.

Thank you to all who attended our final PTO meeting of the school year! The minutes are attached. We have several chairperson opportunities available for next school year! Please take a look at the document and see what might be a good fit with your interests and availability! We'd love to welcome some new faces and voices. Our event/program chairpersons are absolutely critical to maintaining a fun, engaging, inclusive school community.


Thursday, May 25th, is known as Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day. Comic Relief uses comedy and laughter to get across messages about issues and problems that affect the lives of many people. Red Nose Day is a day to especially focus on childhood poverty and hunger. On Thursday, May 25, if you choose, please have your child ready to share a joke to make others laugh and wear something red. We will also be collecting donations for Power Packs. You may bring your donation to the Spring Festival if you'd like. Attached is the flyer for more info.

Our annual Students vs Teachers Kickball game (AKA: Red, White & Blue Day), will be held on Friday, May 26th.To ensure the safety of our students, only 4th Grade Parent/Guardians are invited and must register to attend.

We have a long weekend coming up! On Friday, May26th we will have an Early Dismissal at 1:40. There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 29th. The LAST DAY OF SCHOOL is FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd, WITH A 12:00 DISMISSAL. LUNCH WILL NOT BE SERVED.

4TH GRADE CELEBRATION: As a reminder, this will be held on Wednesday, May 31st, from 6-8pm, here at RES. A flyer went home to all 4th graders last week with information about the event.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION: Please help spread the word to friends & neighbors! Ms. Capoferri and the Kindergarten team are eager to meet next year’s incoming Hoppers. We have some opportunities coming up for new Kindergarteners to visit us, BUT, they MUST be registered! Now is the time!

STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now located on the right side of the screen, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. Information is posted in a more timely manner. We can also be reached via email at


Attached is the MAY menu:

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If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.


5/19: Spring Festival 6-8pm

5/26: Red, White & Blue Day

5/26: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm

5/29: No School

5/31: 4th Grade Celebration 6-8pm

6/2: LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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