Thank You, RES!!!!!
Hello Hopper Families!
Have you seen the BOOK VENDING MACHINE? Thanks to YOUR support of our Scholastic Book Fairs over the last couple years, we were able to save enough rewards points to purchase this amazing book vending machine for our students to enjoy! As a PTO, our goal is to keep the vending machine continually stocked with exciting titles that will keep our students motivated to earn them through positive behavior! Your ongoing support of our book fairs will keep the magic happening for our students! Reidenbaugh is the best, isn’t it!? We sure think so!
Our next PTO Meeting will be held on Friday, March 7th, at 9:30am, at RES. If your thinking about volunteering for our SPRING FESTIVAL (still need a few more people), then come to this meeting and let us tell you what exactly is involved and how much FUN it will be :)
Grab a friend and do it together!!!! Our annual Spring Festival is the biggest event of the year! We are looking for committee members to help with these specific tasks/areas:
Cultural Tables
Games & Entertainment
Flyer, Marketing, Sponsorships
We are also looking for someone to coordinate our Project Fair portion of our Spring Family Night. If you're interested in helping coordinate any of these areas, please reach out to us via email ( or chat with one of the PTO Board members. :)
It’s YEARBOOK ORDERING TIME! You should see the order form below come home in green folders in the next day or two.
Order anytime at
School code: 14677925
Yearbooks are $15 through March 14th! $17 if ordered March 15th-April 4th. Deadline to order is April 4th!
STAYING CONNECTED: and reminders and often photos of our activities. If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.
MENUS: Did you know that Breakfast is free?!
Please click below for the FEBRUARY lunch menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
3/7: PTO Meeting 9:30am
3/14: Early Dismissal
3/17: No School (possible snow make up)
3/26: Spring Bookfair & Project Fair
4/1: Early Dismissal
4/2: PTO Meeting 7pm Zoom
4/18 & 4/21: No School
4/22-4/25: PSSAs
4/25: Spring Festival
5/1& 5/2: PSSAs
5/5-5/9: Teacher Appreciation Week
5/16: PTO Meeting 9:30am
5/23: Red, White & Blue Day & Early Dismissal
5/26: No Schoo