Hello Hopper Families!
5K/ WALK/RUN: We have HUGE fundraising goals to sustain our activities this year and beyond. Field trips, awesome family events, assemblies, classroom needs, and more. If you’re not interested in running/walking in the 5K or Fun Run, we still need donations! Our goal is to raise at least $20,000 (sponsorships, registrations, and donations). Don’t miss the REWARD information in this post!
Please make your student a fundraiser! Click here: - and choose “BECOME A FUNDRAISER.” There, you can create a personalized fundraising page for YOUR student(s)! You’ll get a shareable link to send to friends, family, and neighbors.
As a REWARD, our TOP 10 student fundraisers will be treated to **McDonald’s for lunch!!** The PTO will deliver their custom order to them during their normal lunch period (we are happy to work with any allergy concerns). Also, the TOP GRADE LEVEL will earn **extra recess!!**
Please, please help us continue to support our school community. We can’t do it without your support.
Reminder: If you do plan on registering for the 5K and/or Fun Run, please do so by October 12th in order to receive a compliementary event tshirt.
Immediately following the 5K will be our annual Fall Fest! The 5K will begin at 10:30a.m. and the Fall Fest will be from 11:00-2:00. Bring the whole family and come hungry! We will have an wide variety of food, plus lots of fun activities: big kid inflatable and little kid inflatable! Check out our 9 Square in the Air inflatable as well! It's like volleyball, open to all kids & adults :) Also, don't forget to join our pumpkin contest! Rewards for first, second & third place. Attached is the flyer for more info.
Today is the last day to sign up for the Student Directory. The link will close end of the day (today, September 29th). Once it is closed, we cannot add you. The Directory is optional, however, you may only receive a copy if you have signed up. Here is the link. Please make sure to submit information for EACH student you have currently in RES.
Friendly reminder we have our first EARLY DISSMAL of the school year. Dismissal will begin at 1:40pm on Thursday, October 5th. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 6th and Monday, October 9th.
Our next PTO MEETING will be held on Tuesday, October 3rd, 9:30am at RES STEAM lab. Open to all parents/guardians of our students. Please attend if you can! The PTO is a great way to get involved, know the teachers/staff better, and meet other parents!
Thank you to all who attended BINGO NIGHT and all the parents & alumni who made it possible. We especially like to thank Jennifer Jasko, who did a phenomenal job chairing this event for the first time. Also, Amy Sauder, for organizing and running Hopperville Bookstore, as always.
STAYING CONNECTED: Please "like" us on our Facebook group, Reidenbaugh PTO, where we share timely updates and reminders and often photos of our activities. If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.We can also always be reached via email at
LUNCH MENUS: Click here for the October menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
10/3: PTO Meeting 9:30am
10/5: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm
10/6 & 10/9: No School
10/21: Fall Fest & 5K
10/26: Picture retake Day
11/7: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
11/6-11/13: Thanksgiving Food Drive
11/16: MP 1 Report Cards Posted
11/20-11/21: Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/20-11/24: No School